What we do

Main Areas of Intervention

·       WASH

·       Infrastructure

·       Mitigate

·       Improve

·       Improve

·       Ameliorate
the economy of the deprived IDPs and host communities as well

Water and Environmental sanitation

The organization aims to enhance community access to, and use of, clean and safe water systems/points, establishing & promoting an improved hygiene and environmental sanitation practices to

·      Rehabilitate existing water systems/points and/or construct new ones where seen necessary.

·      Ensure that there exits enough children friendly water and hygiene facilities and, education programs in schools.

·      Establish sustainable management promoting community cost-sharing of capital and ongoing costs; training of local water committees to ensure proper maintenance needs and management;

·      Increase participation of women, in the management and maintenance of water and sanitation intervention, and promotion of improved hygiene and environmental sanitation practices.



Animal troughs-for cows, Goats and sheep

Animal troughs-for cows, Goats and sheep

Water canal (feeding flashfloods into the catchment


Shollow well Projects